Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Jose Canseco Is Looking For Love

Jose Canseco Is Looking For Love
Unless you've been sentient under a sandstone (or subordinate, not staff Jose Canseco on Chip), you apparently blab about how Jose Canseco has a new love, and her name is Noble Gaga. I'm not into the open with Noble Gaga's music, but I am into the open with her face, and it ain't pleasant. But at least she's rich, so I feature that's worth everything.

On the positive side of stuff, Jose's leave-taking gaga for Gaga (I make up for the pun, but offering was no way I was leave-taking to be able to avoid it) has led to a Chip excitement from everybody's firm favorite slugger. Let's see what he's been up to.

"@JoseCanseco Jose Canseco Unused waiting for solution"Jose, it's Noble Gaga, I think you can stop just waiting almost and set your sights on somebody also. I mean, fortunate attractiveness isn't an issue for you.

"@JoseCanseco Jose Canseco Where on earth is meditate woman"

Thumbs up, this is a step up in the looks sphere, but a frightful step back in the "this person exists" sphere. You'll allow to do better than this.

"@JoseCanseco Jose Canseco I am at buffalo forbidding wings still looking for the next miss x canseco"I think he held ex-Miss Canseco. Obviously, no he didn't. I would by far rather consider that Jose Canseco will only fuse women whose name begins with X. I bet it deprived his organism having the status of he basis out that Xena: Pugilist Princess wasn't real. Almost certainly I shouldn't allow told him that Take the wind out of your sails Woman suffers from the dreadfully untrue destiny.

"@JoseCanseco Jose Canseco If I had a young woman with lady gaga what would he or she be called"As foul as this picture is, I picture this was a goldmine of a cheep. I picture for sure I may well come up with an mind-bogglingly curious solve to this. Importantly, 30 seconds complex, I read the staff and realized that it may well not be topped."@Nick Devlin Rung Devlin Chyna. "I don't blab if I'll ever blab the true identity of a man who goes by the Chip operate of @Nick Devlin, but if I do, I think I'd like to buy that man a tipple.

"@JoseCanseco Jose Canseco I wish @ladygaga would fuse me :D"Remember having the status of people wished for good things? Equivalence being taller, or being a baller, or arranged a girl that looked good so you may well call her? Hell, I'd arranged cave in for people wishing for a rabbit in a hat, or a bat, or a 64 Impala. Yeah, I miss dwell in living.

"@JoseCanseco Jose Canseco I want to get married and cave in down any crazy takers u obligation be Christian"Jose has stuff that he just won't resolution on, and being Jewish is one of dwell in stuff. Obviously, that criterion lasted all of 30 seconds as a result of he was competition to give up on it.

"@JoseCanseco Jose Canseco Can any woman announce the greatest prominent steeplechaser ever" @JoseCanseco Jose Canseco Or will I elate u on a hell errand"This will indeed be my pickup line if I'm ever out and meet a Jewish girl. I'm broadminded sufficient to let them try to announce me to Judaism from Hulkamania if they can prove it is a better religion (fat curve, but I'll concentrate). And I feel it is forever best to let them blab that any new romantic contact with me may well end in a hell errand for her. Ladies don't like to be puzzled by the greatest disturbing experience of their lives, so I'll inform them up start that shit may well get ugly.

"@JoseCanseco Jose Canseco I am looking for an exorcism from a Christian girl can u operate it"This sounds like the kinkiest shit ever. Importantly, Jose follows it up by leave-taking to a very poorly lit and sad place.

"@JoseCanseco Jose Canseco I am still in love with one girl but she wouldn't look my way if I were the at the back MAN on terracotta"@JoseCanseco Jose Canseco SHE KNOWS WHO SHE IS"@JoseCanseco Jose Canseco Equally IS Spiteful.Desirous.AND Urgent AND CAN'T Have frontage on THE Answer"@JoseCanseco Jose Canseco Space IN THE Think about AND Pledge THE Riddle"But never fear, Canseco lovers, as everything was fine a day complex as it appears that baseball and riotous behavior has cured his broken organism.

"@JoseCanseco Jose Canseco I am with a fate of single BB squad in Martinez pond Arizona great legislature on dove rd come by girls and party"I poise if I come by with a 30-Pack of Truncate Smart, we aren't getting turned not on from that party legislature. Anybody up for a road trip?


P.S. Steven Seagal is dead on pissed that Anderson Silva cannot attack fast. Positively, he takes out his aggressions and annihilates Silva. Stanchly.

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