If youre a confident and experienced presenter, or someone you feel that the event will go to the ends of the earthpresentation of a case, you can always improve. This article presents five simple but effective techniques to help
Structure of the presentation for greater impact
Out with confidence
actually use language and body language - the better.
Even if they are based on NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), you do not have any formal TRAINING FOR THE GNP TO work for you.
As the structure of the material is one of theThe keys to success. 4mat NLP is a system that helps the format of presentation and communication so as to appeal to as many people as possible. It is assumed that different people have different things from what you say.
For some people, the most important is to know "why." So very early in the show, give people a reason to listen - and tell them: "What this means for them and start to enjoy the benefitsYou.
Others are more interested in "what". These people want substance - the nuts and bolts of everything that they say about what catches their attention most. So make sure the flag soon, and then deliver.
Some focus on "how." They are less interested in why the "thing", and want to experience things for themselves - they want to know how this works in practice. So, whenever you can, it is possible for people to go to try things for themselves.If this is not possible, so this should be well illustrated by some practical examples.
And for the rest, a key issue in their mind is "what if". What to do if you were to take this and apply it? These people love to explore new opportunities - so be sure to include the opportunity to discuss and explore this part of the presentation.
NLP has a number of simple but effective tools that can increase confidence. One of them may beparticularly useful in the preparation and presentation is to develop a resource yet. An anchor is simply a stimulus which is connected to a physiological state. If youre still there, produces physiological response of the alloy.
Yes, I think about a time when you felt completely safe and recreate this moment in your mind. In this way, strengthen the feeling, so you really feel what you feel, hear what you hear, see what you saw. When you reach a feeling oftop link to one stimulus. I `better if it is something that is discreet, easily repeatable and unique. People often use something like a knuckle select details.
They can not communicate. A body language speaks volumes.
The creation and development of GDP, its creators, Richard Bandler and John Grinder modeled many therapists engaged in, such as Virginia Satir. Satir developed five categories or archetypesunderstand and manage the different behaviors, thus described the body language and gestures that are associated with each of them. There are five categories
The default setting
Learn the body language associated with each type of correspondence, and consciously note the body language and the impression that he wants to leave, people can give your presentations the edge.
Get all the information abouttime of our five senses. This is a way to make sense of our world. And even though I may use them all, each of us tends to be rather a sense above all others. And is reflected in our language. The words we use an important indication of how to make sense of things. For example, someone who says: "And what do you mean" is probably performance ideas about what you say. So if you said you had a beach holiday, probably in a blue sky, white gulls, and littleMacular head, golden sand below and so on. Whereas, if someone answers, "it sounds like fun, so you probably heard the waves on the shore, the cry of gulls, and, optionally, a lively tune ice cream van.
Now, it is important to understand that while you will also have a preferred direction and this will be reflected in our language, make sure that the presentation of an appeal to as many people as possible - so that the measuresincluding elements that appeal to
Touch (external and internal feelings and sensations)
And, if possible, taste and smell, too.
In this way you can keep the interest of all and you will see, hear and feel that you speak to them. It may even prove that they have a good nose and will be licking his lips in anticipation of what we have to say.
Here you can write the future history. Finda quiet place where you will be disturbed and sit down and focus on your breathing for a bit "how to relax. Now imagine that watching a movie or play another show to do exactly as you want - Word Perfect, ready to control and the desired effects on society. Everything goes exactly according to plan. As we have seen to be successful, step on the stage so that it is as if youre facing the public througheyes - remember that after the very successful presentation in order to benefit from the touch and really connect with him.
Nearby stood a director. Mentally step back from the experience and make changes to the film, which makes it even better. Wind the clock forward and keep the movie running in your head so you can also see the benefits of such a presentation a success.
The display may be a little "getting used to. Some people think, clickimmediately, others believe that they need a little time. In both cases, it is a technique worth learning as it can be used to this and many other situations very effectively.
So, there you are! Each of these tools will help you improve your presentations. Used together, will help turn it into something we can be proud of.
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