They see that things may become possible for them, be that:
* improved communication skills
* confidence at work
* calming nerves before exams
* being able to speak in public
* breaking through an income limit
* getting a great relationship
* being able to help people
* curing their own phobias
* building a career
* adding to an existing skill set
The beauty of NLP is that the techniques, tactics and fundamentals that you learn can be applied any time, any place with any one.
I know when I look back, that over the ten+ years that I've been learning NLP, I've been able to build many business streams from the web, to the real world, from catering to banking. The small changes I made, had an enormous effect.
There is a quote that says:
People over estimate what they can do in a day, and under estimate what they can do in a decade.
I've seen firsthand that to be true, when people see the things I've produced (thousands of websites, many hours of content, hundreds of testimonials, it is very impressive and the scale of what's possible hits home.)
I'm clear that I wouldn't have been able to do half as much, or even a tenth of that if I hadn't discovered, learnt, mastered and had fun with N.L.P.
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