Friday, July 19, 2013

Psychology And The Infants In Space

Psychology And The Infants In Space
(c) n/a


There are a few ideas that we as humans have made our forays with over the centuries. Two of the more important ideas are the spirit and the soul which we rarely look into, or they are dressed up for other things. However, you might be surprised to find them in places you never thought.

According to Carl Jung, it is rather complicated how these feelings are incorporated. The male has a feminine inner personality and the female has a masculine inner personality and these procreate as anima and animus. These cannot be confused with essence and personality singularly but as a parameter. According to JUNG the male is focused on "opening up to emotionality, and in that way a broader spirituality by creating a new conscious paradigm that includes intuitive processes, creativity and imagination, and psychic sensitivity towards himself and others where it might not have existed previously."

It is then that Jung creates the inertia for Helium in the version of four electrons in an attempt to convince you of Eros which is the sum of all instincts. He calls them Eve, Helen, Mary, and Sophia, and they almost match the letters, at least the first and last. The jealously associating Aphrodite is like the bridge of the guitar which is also harmony, and this is directed at the nepenthe inside it, a potion that represents the sun.

So it may be assumed that the potion cannot be drunk by a woman or she will go mad. This is devised as an attempt to categorize collective personality versus individual psyche for the male which is also thought to be transcendent in form.

This raises many questions and I would argue that if the woman drinks the potion that she is not mad, and that she would survive but would be beyond sophistication and obviously there would be no going back. This is analogous to a mind-body recognition of the TOXICITY OF THE WORLD.

"IF ONLY THEY KNEW HOW TO CALM THEIR MIND AND BODY, TO KEEP THE FRONTAL CORTEX OF THEIR BRAIN ENGAGED, AND THEIR HEART COURAGEOUS, TO STOP THEIR BODY-MIND FROM TAKING OVER, AND EXECUTING DESPERATE MEASURES - THINKING THEIR SURVIVAL IS AT STAKE."IN GETTING TO THE BOTTOM OF THESE IDEAS, IT MAY BE GOOD TO ALSO EXAMINE THE ELEMENTS. HELIUM makes up about approximately a quarter of all elemental mass (measurement) and twelve times the mass of any other heavier known element in part. It is the Greek god of the sun. It's yellow spectral line signature was discovered in 1868 and may represent the golden fleece in mythology where men have journey through time to attain, and called Psyche, a young woman who loved and was loved by Eros and was united with him after Aphrodite's jealousy was overcome. She subsequently became the personification of the soul.

That brings us back to Jung and the contradictions. Since we are told that a man must deal with his spirituality, let's examine HYDROGEN. It is said that hydrogen makes up the other three quarters of the Universe's now chemical elemental mass, roughly that is. For humans, hydrogen binds up the oxygen molecule that allows humans to live, as without water we soon die. When it was first discovered in 1783 it was named after the water creator.

The epistemology of the spirit has long been associated with water. According to etymology leading up to the psyche this is also vibration which is used by the beings on earth. The arachnid builds a web to capture its prey. A butterfly uses the air to traverse the organism.

These examples may hint of the THERIOMORPHIC notion listed at the top of the linked page. The shapeshifting notion may be associated with the numerals one and three, the first a primer and carrying the SHADOW that Jung calls irrational. This is commonly associated with the father and the son. However, there is no son, it is the psyche and reflection from the particle that are spread about in the language of mathematics.

Now, let's get back to Eros and how that was handled by Jung. Eros is transcendental but not independent of experience. It seems irrational to create a list and why Jung has done this seems an act of faith. It seems that the acts of love that manifests the shadow context is also a venture between force and the setting up of the inertial frame, as with the proton (active), electron (passive), and neutron (neutralizing). This complicates solving the solution and one can only back up to the mathematics of Pi.

Transcendence also associates longevity and it seems the Mayans were the ones who may have actually drank the potion and tried to procreate the list. We know this has some truth in it because of the science of measurement. Vibration brings length which associates force and the pascal, and velocity is hiding on the back side.

A definitive magnetic center also applies which states there are four teachers so to speak where square becomes both transcendental and quantum mechanical. With these bits of information, can we determine what Jung truly meant as anima?

It may be suggested that "context," is also anima and I don't think it is edible. Essence and personality are going to come from influences and present a pathology of some sort and the argument between genes and the environment and the dogs who have bad days. Arguing within dispensation leads no where. The corrected term is indispensable and this is the reasoning for the surround sound effect.

Animus cannot necessarily be defined as divine but as a disposition which according to Jung is the masculine inner personality of the woman. Another name for this particular sense is the word "environment." For the man, it is called innate, or genetic as these two are indispensable to each other.

In etymology, the man brings the assumption of Parousia and sin in disguise to meet up with the serpent and the wane of the void, which is really more about the pascal and the forming of consciousness as evidenced. This is all nestled at the end of the LETTER E which tucks time at the end. Of note, time can only be measured in this way according to science.

I don't know about you but the answers to these phenomena seem mighty curious and seem to associate two main concepts in science, one of the theory of relativity, and one of quantum mechanics which leads to a possible conclusion for time not existing at all. As for consciousness this may be correlated to the concept of "many," as the Parousia and founded in the second sense as a form of measurement.

This may seem to imply that individuals are unique signatures of readable time, which by no other means can be read. It also seems obvious that this has become the obsession and considering the previous suggestions associating the consumption of the nepenthe, trouble is ahead.

In some conclusions, anima seems to be quantum mechanics. It is also technology. Animus it seems on the other hand cannot live without the theory of relativity. That one seems easy to feel, here's another example.

Compassion is relative similar to pity and the compass, it is a reading and if abandoned may mutate similar to the shapeshifting. These are bound to the esoteric center which has two linguistic forms, one a mind and one a body. These form phrases like, "Canary in the coal mine," or "The noose around your neck." Again, time does not exist, only the cue exist which may be a hole in the side of the Pentagon.

The fourth density cue is called Hidalgo and associates the sun and calculated as the "kilogram," a reference to square and specifically outlined in etymology at the end of LETTER K. The fourth density cue is also a neutralizing force and ubiquitous. It is suggested as an engaging dynamic which cannot interpret itself thus the law of three is perpetuated. This is followed by the mind and body interpretations contributing to the time displacements anima and animus respectably.

In that case, anima is the mind divided between the innate and disposition, a formal context that cannot be interpreted without the psyche or primer body, in this example, the soul of the nepenthe.

It would seem that if the potion is taken, you dynamically create it just as the precession of the Mayan legend and the animus upon the sphere. The body cannot be eaten, it is only the breath of the mind. However the body can eat the mind and is called wax and has many benefits unless genetically altered or parasitic.

We assume bodies eat bodies but this is simply untrue. It would seem more as consciousness or revelation. Man has become obsessed with the disposition of opposition thinking, in effect, the thinking of a plant which requires pollination.

These asparagus heads are obsessed with quantum mechanics and denying relativity which can only be defined as psychopathology as it is impossible to not address the source or demon seed. The overwhelming desire to benefit from the overall conscious living mind doesn't seem to recognize the pain that is driving it.

The setting of the stage for anima and animus seems to come from the table of elements where hydrogen and helium are implied. One assumes "go" and the other "be," and if these are reversed, it may be assumed a sacrifice to the demon seed. This doesn't seem like taking the potion at all, rather carrying it around and rubbing it.

However, they are never sacrificed, go has no interpretation of itself, and be depends on go to recognize disposition. These may seem like oversimplifications but they also represent government and business.

These two concepts beget a warrior status each one a warrior in love with the other. They are conjugated by the second prime number and the law of principles which associates the tree of life. However, in this affair, the nepenthe is involved which contributes to the "as above, so below," dynamic which may be assumed inert defined as "not skill," which is very close to "not grief."

This is how things get going, arithmetic, the inertial frame, mathematics, and the Holy Ghosts. The numeral "one," seems to have been given all the powers of the Greek god of the sun. It was thought to be a person, or it could be a place, or even just a thing. It could be graded while also providing a form of action. This seems to have evolved into the nous principles based on these options and the third prime navigation which then became readable "as above, so below."

Would it be possible to describe something that had a primary association with this revelation? I would suggest two concepts are in turmoil, and conscience and consciousness would be the two concepts.

We must realize these concepts are actively mismatched and intend to do great harm as their bigoted harmony. Go can be defined as five specific centers called conscience or magnetism while be assumes consciousness.

Consciousness today is called debt and its conscious is food. This state is detrimental to all life. True consciousness only means that we exist as "each other," or that which is referred to as everlasting life. On the flip side of this is life everlasting which can only be defined as "time."

(c) n/a

In the reversion of the warriors, the debtor tangent becomes the operating system or syntax called communism. The idea that we only live as "consciousness is conscience," becomes a full blown feeding frenzy on irrelevance or an irrational bee, such as the killer bees which come as digression or a change of course. The bee sees itself in two places and is incapable of navigation, so it defends the syntax that was created.

The enlargements of bigoted communes is evident that must define their boundaries and nature provides an example to learn from. These fabrications can only survive by perpetually defending their hives and haunted by vibration to deliver density.

These amazing words also the minds of the living will consume earth and beckon the shadow in their hives as conscious debt and to keep the killer bees humming away.

The last step in this puzzle may be to examine stigma and instinct and their relationship as analogy to the warriors.

Instinct does not come before stigma, it is a nice thought called paranormal and thought to be beyond the range of normal experience. This confusion between places is read as astrology. If I am walking and you walk behind me, and I drop something, it is likely you will pick it up.

Stigma relies on the ability to read instinct but cannot interpret itself. Instinct depends on this parsimonious relationship. If instinct is instead thought to be simple, you have become mad. Instinct is defined as an innate capability or a disposition thought to be powerful. Disposition depends on a personality, a mood or temperament and a form of inertia.

These form up the analogies for the father and the son, but also the man and the woman. If inertia is validated as government life is over and the killing will commence endlessly. Inertia is rather business, a strong resistance to change. To make a tradition the trend is a lie.

The least government is called parsimony where no monetary influence is allowed. Business on the other hand depends on it for the personification of the soul and in this arrangement there is only "each other," and they rest as the cradle of life, a basis for time and space as perceived.

But upon creating the words time and space we also create anima and animus in our perception so a better way to interpret them is with the "as above, so below," principle.

From what I have suggested in this short essay you may find in the interpretation of time as prerequisite to inertia not true. It is rather space which can only be defined as a wave or electric universe that is looking for you. And that what is perceived as time depends on it to be simply a particle. This is validated by the pascal that builds up the indispensable conscious relationship.

Only consciousness exist, stigma is the only thing that can read it. And in the process, inertia seeks a spare or the ability to be merciful and that of conscience. We see as they are arranged what has evolved.

Unfortunately, consciousness has been inducted as debt and with no ability to interpret itself has no limit and forms up the inertial frame on its own as velocity and time. Here, it is not simple but similar to a minority report for the manifestation of mass which takes on the role of inertia as stigma.

Science gives this a name and it is called a virus which consumes the "as above, so below," relationship. The environment becomes the genetics, the genetics becomes the environment. The virus beckons temperament, conscious annihilation, and pestilence.

The virus will assume a position when or if the debt system fails to systemically hold on to inertia which doesn't actually exist unless indifferent. At that point neutralization will begin and it is likely those who refuse the parasite will be terminated or round up. With so many countries involved, and many currently growing in productivity, it is impossible to determine if and when the predominant systemic debt fails, or if it would be globally effective in spreading the virus.

The tying of debt to a smaller hive does not change the concept, not until all of the debt is completely removed and all that is left is "each other," will humans truly survive.

The stigma of conscience is not a place to sleep, although its power represents all that can be felt in this world, and a strong bridge between taste and touch and their life changing dynamics. Unfortunately, these become buffered and contradictions are avoided, and many would consider feeling everything a method of madness, and especially if this is masked by means of a false-flag intended to hide ignorance.

The instinct of consciousness is seemingly indefinable, and ever changing. We sleep in this state but also assume we are awake. At some point in time it is possible that we may remember who we are and begin to assess the subjective situation to finally reach an objective understanding of knowledge or that which is actually truth.

Hopefully this has given the reader an opportunity to examine some amazing analects that are most often taken for granted.

"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if their is any reaction, both are transformed." Carl Jung


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