The definition of infidelity can vary depending on the beliefs and values of couples. It is normal to feel physical attraction to others even when you are in a stable and faithful relationship, however, in some circumstances this attraction can lead to infidelity. This is often an indicator that there was a problem in the relationship that was not apparent before.
The discovery of infidelity can be a highly emotionally charged event. In such circumstances it is always best to give each other distance so that you do not express things that you will later regret or say irrevocable things in the heat of the moment.
In order to save your marriage there are certain steps that you need to take to rectify the damage. If you have cheated you need to admit it honestly even though it may be painful for your partner to hear it and difficult for you to express openly.
If there is a mutual understanding that you want to save your marriage you need to evaluate your shared values and goals and how you want to move toward the future.
It's is not good to go it alone. You must remember that infidelity can end your marriage, something that is the foundation of your life. It's best to seek the guidance of a marriage counsellor so that you can have a neutral voice that offers input in a professional way.
Part of the goal of marriage counselling is to attempt to restore trust in the relationship. But you cannot force a timetable if you are the one that has committed the infidelity your patience will be rewarded while trying to rush things will only dredge up the pain again.
If you are the person that has been cheated on then you must learn or try to forgive your partner. Without forgiveness it is not possible to move on beyond this event.
Not all marriages can be saved. Sometimes it is a natural course in relationships and infidelity is just a way to escape but for those that feel the mutual ties were strong and worth preserving then there is hope to rebuild trust and rekindle the intimacy that was lost.
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