This is because athletes who train for long periods of time to reach their goal of being first, will not accept LOSING BY A SMALL MARGIN compared to a larger margin. This shows true for track runners; it is harder for them to accept a loss by just a few seconds or less.
This also shows true in relationships. One partner may be holding on to a previous person or putting their current partner on a pedestal. This causes the partner to compare their new boyfriend/ girlfriend to their previous partner which makes their RELATIONSHIP a constant competition. Society in general has a "winner-take-all" attitude and is generally very competitive. American society does not like coming short of perfection and will do anything to be the best.
Do you agree with the statement that " A SECOND PLACE WINNER is happier than a third place winner?" Why or why not? Do you think it is equally possible to be just as happy being SECOND BEST? (In both athletic competitions and in relationships)
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