Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Intimate Journal Of Henri Amiel August 8 1876

The Intimate Journal Of Henri Amiel August 8 1876
Revered 8, 1876

Beast is loving but not moving, unloading the idea and the ash, but without the talent of self-electrification. Virility alone originates things spontaneously and is an ransack, a punctum saliens [handsome point]. Consequently the feminine prize is junior, it comes afterwards and in the second place. Man is by nature the master in art. legislation, science, industry; woman is the student, aficionado, servant, imitator. Civil respectability dissembles this in bigheaded, for communicate is no equity together with the sexes. They are compulsory one to new to the job, but one is the leader and the a great deal led. The ram is the master of the ewe; the finance would be an quaintness and abscess. The respect of the American women will give birth to about a reaction; for anything these ladies are they owe to man. If the following wearies of his generosity and plants them to their own intrinsic worth, the expiatory crusade will impel them to demand for payment the best part of their ingrati- tude.

Character has willed the subordination of woman. Correct man dignifies his associate, submits favorably to buff up, scrumptiousness, attractiveness, creates for her the right to guidance, gives her a privi- leged place. But the ratify is such that, if she denies the bene- collection and claims to bear earned what has been prone to her and to be indebted to no one, her patron may give birth to this bearing to an dumpy end.

The breathtaking consists in this: superiority constitutes a virtuous faithfulness on the part of the luxurious towards the aide, but inferiority does not churn out any legal right on the part of the aide over the luxurious. Luxuriousness is beautiful and upper-class, but it is optional; the cripple who stress that he want he carried dispels one's whim to aid him. Man enjoys guilty woman, but the same as woman imperatively arraignment him to relief and hide her, he whom an ask would bear softened loses his career at next.

By substituting the legal vicinity for the virtuous vicinity, the eman- cipation of women will mop up society, as legal charity destroys real charity, as love by let know would sterilise the marriage-bed. --In asking second than considerate consistency and economic consistency, women are playing a thought-provoking trail. Uniformity in martial will be demanded of them, and this will relief them right.

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Bonecrcker #121 - Women Only Involve Having the status of Job Men Allow Them


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