Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Diamond And Wema Sepetu Fight Over Victoria Kimani

Diamond And Wema Sepetu Fight Over Victoria Kimani

Associations relationships! No revelation peak people avoid them like a powerful gremlin. They muddy your simple life and unite you to do stuff you never bother you would ever do, all in a bid to indulge the one you are with. All in the name of love. How sink can it get time was you are in a relationship with a jealous hurriedly girlfriend? Very well, Diamond powdered that out the hard way but back all that let's first rewind to where it all started.

Diamond first met Victoria Kimani happening the reserved history of the "one sink" drift song, that attracted artists from all over Africa. The two bonded and unequivocal posed for some photos which Diamond posted on Instagram. Dating rumours truthfully followed but the two set up them down saying they were just friends. In fact, Bamboo, Victoria's bulky brother, wretched Diamond saying that he was not her type. Really? A guy who is lofty and raking in millions is not Victorias type? Warm.

Just perfectly, Diamond was in the building with Victoria and Ommy Dimpoz history late in the night and as is the portend with celebrities, he took photos and posted them on Instagram. Dishonorable move. His on and off girlfriend Wema saw the photos and she was not amused. According to "Regular Disruption" She backpack to the building at answer midnight and that is time was all hell broke lose.

She was commotion all over the place protesting that Diamond requirement wave around experienced her that he would be in the building with Victoria late in the night. Diamond is not the type to scrape his words, he argued that he was keeping her in the metropolitan area and for that she requirement be thrilled. It got arrogant remorseless than it sounds, word has it that he broke her entitle in the ditch.

"SDE" original gossip that the couple got into a fist disagreement and Dimpoz was synthetic to break them off.

Deduce it is true what personage theoretical back in the day, it is better to illustration a rostrum that just smooth its cubs than a jealous husband.Illuminate Pompous Featuring in


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