Monday, April 21, 2014

Ends Bring Beginnings

Ends Bring Beginnings
The semester is nearly at an end and it is time I looked back at what I've learned. At the time, a lot of it seemed to be common sense - things that everyone should just know. As I began trying to implement things into my life I realized that even though I may have been aware of certain things, or able to figure them out on my own, I hadn't actively used them. The most important part of this class for me was finding the motivation to be a leader in many aspects of my life and to look for ways to improve.

The Most Exciting, Thought-provoking, or Important Things I've Learned:

1. Conflict is necessary for any organization to reach its potential. I'm not a big fan of conflict - I really hate debates and such, but I now recognize that it can be handled appropriately and in a way that it strengthens everything, even relationships.

2. Leadership style should vary greatly depending on who is being led. This puts a lot more focus on who is following and takes more away from the goal and personal leadership strengths.

3. Every organization needs a clearly stated goal and designated stopping points. The goal should be on a timetable and capable of being evaluated on a regular basis.

4. The best way to lead is by service, but that doesn't mean that there shouldn't be delegation. Letting other people lead is very important and I think a lot of people, including myself, have some issues with being served.

5. The small things are important. Actions such as remembering a name or saying hello is a good reminder to treat people like people, not objects.



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